Words and music by Liane Kuchmy - 1997 / Back to My Songs / Back to homepage

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Fall Into the Arms of Jesus

Verse 1
He is not surprised at you, when you fall flat on your face.
He's not disappointed, when you fall flat on your face.
When he first saved you, He already knew,
all the mistakes and stumbling you would do,
and yet He still saved you,
He still showed you love,
so when you see you've fallen,
fall, into the arms of Jesus.

Verse 2
Condemnation makes us run & hide,
lovingkindness makes us run into His arms.
It's His lovingkindness, that leads us to repentance.
When we see His goodness, it makes us want to change.
Condemnation makes us want to hide,
but God is gentle with our souls inside.
So when you see you're falling,
fall, into the arms of Jesus.

Don't hide from God, there's no lightening bolt.
Don't hide from God, run into His arms of love.
When you condemn yourself,
it brings tears to His eyes.
Don't you listen to that old accuser,
because Jesus, is routing for you.
So won't you fall, into the arms of Jesus.

Don't hide from God, there's no disappointment
Just trust in Him, because He loves you,
Don't hide from God, He's not disappointed,
Just trust in Him, because He loves you.
(Oooo - ou - oooh)

About the Song

It used to be very painful for me to pray. I felt like I was just one huge disappointment to God. After all, Jesus died a very painful death to be able to save me in the first place...and now I couldn't even overcome these petty weaknesses for Him. You see, I knew that Jesus' death is what saved me...but I thought that I had to work to keep that salvation. I knew that I could ask forgiveness whenever I failed, but I kept failing at the same things... so much so that I thought for sure that God was disappointed with me. That if I didn't watch it, He'd give up on me. I was taking too long to overcome. After all that He went through to save me, and now I couldn't even live right for Him!

I was living under condemnation. But when I finally studied grace in Romans, Galatians, and 1 John, I finally began to see. God opened up my eyes and the truth set me free from condemnation. This song came out of that broken shame.

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