© MMissary Muisc. All rights reserved.


Database of Christian Music and Usage

Database built from our library of Christian Material which provides author, usage, theme, scripture, and season. We also have a public domain database you might find helpful. If you need help in finding something that is not available we may be able to provide a source or if none is available we may be able to help keeping in mind copyright issues.

Some of our own music

Some of our own music is made available and we do have CDs available. Many have used some of our material in their communities for Sunday School and other teaching opportunities. 


Band in a Box, Band in a Box File Sharing Group Archive, and Midi files are provided for learning and use. Many of these files deal with theory and scales, christian music that has been used by others to augment the music needs of their particular ministry or community worship activities. Some of the files are just nice to have fun with.

Basic Theory/Songwriting items and articles

that may be of help

Songwriting notes, thoughts and ideas regarding critiquing, basic music theory, and other items that have been helpful to others.

Healing Hearts Ministry

A well received ministry function that seeks to help others through different presentations which include prayer and praise and worship. Helping people to encounter the love, mercy, and healing power of God in the broken aspects of their lives in body, mind, soul, and spirit through the power of forgiveness and prayer. Many have found peace and healing.
   MMissary Music                    We are all a work in progress.